Purchase your tickets now for Diamonds & Desserts, a fun-filled evening benefitting the Girl Scouts of Central Illinois!
The event is Thursday, May 23 at Jack Lewis Jewelers, and it's a "fundraiser-style" event, with tables setup throughout the store. The agenda includes a culinary competition with local chefs creating desserts inspired by Girl Scout cookies. You'll be able to vote for your favorite dessert while enjoying hors d’oeuvres, a prize raffle, entertainment, a silent auction, and a surprise signature cocktail.

An aerial view of the new Jack Lewis Jewelers location at 3011 Galena Road, near Biaggi’s and Ancho & Agave on Bloomingon’s east side.

The project will be designed locally by Kyle Glandon and Paul Scharnett at Hewn Architectural Studio (the new entity formed at the start of 2024 by the merger of Workbench and SAA), and be built locally by Catalyst Construction, led by the team of Andy Kaufmann, Britt Steffen, and Josiah Koch.

It was an honor to have a crowd of family, friends, and colleagues join us for the celebration.

Flanked by co-owner Missy Ranney and wife Ketti, John Carter kicks-off the ceremony with opening remarks.

Father Schultz from St. Patrick Catholic Church of Merna leads the group in prayer before blessing the ground.

L to R, Seth & Missy Ranney, and John & Ketti Carter officially break ground at the site of the new Jack Lewis Jewelers on June 13, 2024.

The Ranneys and Carters officially throw the first dirt.

Jack Lewis Jewelers owners Missy Ranney and John Carter pose at the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

An aerial view of the crowd arriving.

The new store will be designed locally by Kyle Glandon and Paul Scharnett at Hewn Architectural Studio. We’ll be sharing the renderings in the months to come.

The new store will be built locally by Catalyst Construction under the direction of project superintendent Josiah Koch.

Carter welcomes the crowd to the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

Carter makes remarks during the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

Carter makes remarks during the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

John Carter and wife Ketti during the opening remarks at the Groundbreaking Ceremony.

Father Schultz leads the crowd in a blessing of the new ground.

John Carter and wife Ketti pause for a moment of prayer during the blessing.

Missy Ranney and John & Ketti Carter prepare to throw dirt.

The project team includes Paul Scharnett of Hewn Architectural Studio (far left) and Josiah Koch of Catalyst Construction (4th from right).
Plus, the 2024 Diamond Honoree is former IWU President Georgia Nugent!
Funds raised through the event will support local Girl Scout programs, and will make a significant difference in the lives of these girls through empowering programs like the arts, financial literacy, healthy living, outdoor education, and STEM. Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
Buy your single or group table tickets at the link below! Don't miss it!